Measuring Satisfaction Level of ATM Booth User in Bangladesh
The discussing report is the terminal formalities of the internship program for the degree of
Master of Business Administration (MBA) faculty of post graduate Studies at Hajee
Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur which is compact
professional progress rather than specialized. This report has prepared as per academic
requirement after the successfully completion of 6 months internship.
It is my pleasure and great privilege to submit my report titled “Measuring satisfaction level
of ATM booth user in Bangladesh”. As the presenter of this report, I have tried my level best
to get together as much information as possible to enrich the report. I believe that it was a
fascinating experience and it has enriched both my knowledge and experience.
However, after all this, as a human being, I believe everyone is not beyond fimitation. There
might have problems regarding lack and imitation in some aspects and also some minor
mistake such as syntax error or typing mistake or lack of information. Please pardon me for
that mistake and clarify these of my | further information on those matters.