Balanced food intake is needed by individual human being for maintaining good health
and nutritional status for active and prosperous life. Household food & nutrient intake
pattern and child nutritional status for the landless and marginal farm households for rural
are not well known. This study is therefore undertaken to know the socio-demographic
and economic condition, food and nutrient intake pattern and child nutritional status of
the landless and marginal farm families of rural areas. In this regard this study was carried
out on 75 landless and marginal households having under five years children in family of
Chehelgazi union in Dinajpur district. Survey method was employed for data collection.
Information on dietary intake for past 24 hours recall and direct weighing method,
anthropometric measurements and socio-economic indices were recorded. This study
found that about 9% are working mother and 91% are housewife, 80% HHs have one
earning member and 20% HHs have 2 & above earning members in family. The average
monthly income and average monthly expenditure on food of the studied households are
6452Tk and 5046Tk respectively. About 65% HHs are poor families; this figure is much
higher than the national percentage of poor families. The percentages of stunting,
underweight and wasting children (6-59 months) are 29.4%, 28% and 4% respectively.
Results revealed that boy children are more sufferers in stunting than girls children, while
girl children are more sufferers in underweight than boy children. There is no significant
difference found for stunting and underweight children according to landless and
marginal farmer’s children. Mean total food intake is found 864.15 gm/day. Per capita per day
total food intake is found 991.46gm, 872.14gm and 703.92gm respectively for the families of
non-poor, absolute poor and hard core poor. The mean per capita per day energy intake by the
landless and marginal families is found 2001.38 kcal. Per capita per day mean energy intake by
landless households are lower (1989.9kcal) than for marginal households (2056.05kcal).
Household heads education, mother’s education, monthly income of the household (Tk.)
and monthly expenditure from food item has significant positive correlation with total
food intake and nutrients intake. With the increases of parental education the protein and
fat intake by the HHs increases but carbohydrate intake decreases. Positive relationship is
found with economic status of the HHs with protein, fat, and calcium intake by the family
members. The findings regarding low food and nutrient intake as well as poor nutritional
status of children for the landless and marginal family obviously indicate their inability to
lead a socially useful and economically productive life.