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dc.contributor.advisorProf. Dr. Shah Moinur Rahman
dc.contributor.authorKarim, Md. Rezaul
dc.descriptionThe Author express his deepest sense of gratefulness to the Almighty Who has enabled him to complete the present research work and to prepare this capacious thesis for the degree of master of science(M.S) in Soil Science. The Author expresses sincere gratitude, profound, respect and Imminences indebtedness to his supervisor professor Dr. Shah Moinur Rahnan department of Soil science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur for his continuous inspiration, scholastic and systematic supervision, valuable advice and generous help for the completion of the research work. Without his help and supervision it would not be possible to complete the dissertation within the stipulated period. Sincere appreciation is also due to his constructive criticism and meticulous corrections of thesis manuscript. The Author feels proud to express his whole hearted sense of respect and gratefulness to his Co Supervisor Dr. Md. Mansur Rahman, Professor Department of Soil Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, for his valuable suggestions, sincere help and intellectual instructions during the period of research work.He is also indebted to him for his encouragements and valuable criticisms in the preparation of this credible dissertation. The Author would like to express his sincere gratitude and indebtedness to his respected teachersProfessor Md. Mizanur Rahman Department of Soil Science, A.K.M. Mosharof Hossain, Professor, Department of Soil Science, Associate Professor S.M. Sayem Department of Soil Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur for their kind helps, co-operations and valuable suggestions. The Author is immensely grateful to all of his friends, senior and younger brothers and well wishers for their direct and indirect helps, good wishes and regrets for his inability to mention every one of them by name. And last, from the core of heart, the author feels duty bound to acknowledge the blessings and incentives of his beloved parents Md. Jahirul Islam and Most Razia Khatun for their blessing, inspirations, sacrifices and moral supports and financial assistance, which encouraged and paved the way of higher studies.en_US
dc.description.abstractA field experiment was carried out at Soil Science research field, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, during the period from December, 2016 to April, 2017 to assess the effect of split application of nitrogen fertilizer on growth, yield of BRRI dhan 29. The experiment consisted of 5 nitrogen levels viz., T0 (without fertilizer), Farmer's practice (225 kg ha-1 at 3 equal splits, 1/3 at 0 DAT (Day After Transplanting) + 1/3 at 30 DAT+ 1/3 at 70 DAT ), T1 (225 kg ha-1 , at 5 equal splits, 1/5 at 0 DAT+1/5 at 28 DAT+1/5 at 45 DAT+1/5 at 60 DAT+1/5 at 75 DAT) and T2 (225 kg/ha, at 4 equal splits, 1/4 at 0 DAT +1/4 at 30 DAT + 1/4 at 50 DAT+1/4 at 70 DAT), T3 (200 kg ha-1 , at 3 equal splits,1/3 at 0 DAT+1/3 at 30 DAT+1/3 at 70 DAT). Plant height, number of tiller hill-1 were recorded at 35 DAT, 45 DAT, 55 DAT, 65 DAT, 75 DAT 85 DAT and also at maturity. At harvest, data on plant height, number of panicle hill-1 , length of panicle, number of filled grains panicle-1 , number of unfilled grains panicle-1 , 1000-grain weight, grain yield, straw yield, biological yield hill-1 , total N, available P, exchangeable K and also protein content were recorded in grain and straw. The effect of different split application of N fertilizer was found statistically significant on all parameters studied at 35 DAT, 45 DAT, 55 DAT, 65 DAT, 75 DAT, 85 DAT and also at maturity stage except the unfilled grain panicle-1 and 1000-grain weight. At maturity the highest results of all parameters were found in T1, but incase of unfilled grains panicle-1 in FP was the highest. Number of panicles hill-1 in FP and T2 was statistically similar. The highest value of protein content was recorded in the treatment T1, which statistically dissimilar to others. Lowest protein content in T0. Protein content in FP,T2 and T3 was statistically similar. Unfilled grains panicle-1 was similar in T1 and T2. 1000 grain weight was statistically similar in T0, FP and T2 but highest in T1 and lowest in T3. From the above results it was revealed that full dose of urea T1 (1/5 at 0 DAT+1/5 at 28 DAT+1/5 at 45 DAT+1/5 at 60 DAT+1/5 at 75 DAT) was more effective than the other split application. So the recommendation of this research was that 225 kg ha-1 of urea at 5 equal splits, 1/5 at 0 DAT+1/5 at 28 DAT+1/5 at 45 DAT+1/5 at 60 DAT+1/5 at 75 DAT should be applied for BRRI dhan 29 for better yield and this dose was also economically feasible.en_US
dc.subjectPerformance of nitrogen fertilizersen_US
dc.subjectExperimental site and soilen_US
dc.subjectApplication of manures and fertilizersen_US

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