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dc.contributor.advisorProf. Dr. Tahera Yeasmin
dc.contributor.authorRABBEE, MOHAMMAD FAZLE
dc.descriptionBangladesh has a long historical record of raising poultry under backyard system. The weather and vast areas of crop field along with housing premises of Bangladesh are suitable for pigeon farming. It appears from the archaeological records that the pigeon is found to have been closely allied with man. Whenever civilization has flourished, there the pigeon has thrived, and the higher civilization, usually the higher regard for the pigeon. Poets, philosophers, and historians have extolled this bird or let drop a line that indicates a surprising personal knowledge of it. Pigeons were not only tended with loving care by these ancient peoples, but that they occupied a position of reverence and were regarded as holy. The Assyrians and Syrians either worshipped pigeon and doves or obtained from harming them as being of a sacred nature. The pigeon has come to be almost worshipped in remote parts of the Mohammedan world. As recently as 1925, a near riot was caused in Bombay when two European boys ignorantly killed some street pigeons. The stock exchange and general market were closed and a widespread strike threatened. At the mosque of dove, at Istanbul, pigeons have increased greatly in number due to the reverence for them, which does not permit disturbance of their nests in or about the holy buildings. The sacrifice of doves and pigeons in the early Hebrew rituals of expiation was a remnant of the adoration of his bird sacred to Astarte. Pigeons are used as deferential referring to the dove as an emblem of peace, of purity of tendencies and of affection. The song of Solomon and Psalms have a number of such references. Pigeon racing was well recognized in Palestine around 200-220 AD, and bets were made upon the outcome of the race. The authentic documentary evidence of the use of the pigeon as a military aid begins with the Romans over 2000 years ago (Samad, 1993).en_US
dc.description.abstractA survey was conducted using a pre-tested interview schedule in the town of Lalbag, Patuapara, Ramnogar, Paharpur, Barabandhor under sador upazilla of Dinajpur district to record present status, problems and prospects and to formulate some suggestions about pigeon farming in the town areas of Bangladesh. Data were collected from twenty pigeon farmers such as age, education level of farmer, housing, height of house, construction cost, duration of house, cage space, cage cost, breeds and varieties, feeding of pigeon and squab, quantity and quality of feed supplied to pigeon, number of male pigeon, number of female pigeon, marketing age of squab, weight of squab, price of pigeon, price of squab, production of squab/year/pair of pigeon, mortality of pigeon. Results revealed from the study, most of the pigeon farmers were young age (60%) and educated Hon‟s (50%). Height of house, house construction cost, duration of house, space of the cage (maximum percentage small), cost of the cage were 10.2 ft., Tk. 34750, 18.3 years, 24×24×18 inc3 , Tk. 1125, quantity of feed supplied to each pigeon/day was 42.1g, mean number of male pigeon, mean number of female pigeon were 69.3, 73.9, marketing age of squab, weight of each squab were 51.5 days, 347.5 g, price of pigeon Rain, King, Siraji, Portar, Short face, Nan and Lakkha were Tk. 5585, Tk. 3850, Tk. 3570, Tk. 3250, Tk. 2390, Tk. 1410 and Tk. 945 price of each squab Rain, King, Siraji, Portar, Short face, Nan and Lakkha were Tk. 2765, Tk. 1920, Tk. 1785, Tk. 1625, Tk. 1195, Tk. 712 and Tk. 472.5 production of squab/year/pair of pigeon and mortality of pigeon were 12.1 and 13.6. Most of the farmers rear pigeon in small scale cage system and give supplied feeding. Farmers rear many breeds and varieties i.e. Rain, King, Bokhra, Portar, Bagdha, Homer, Giribazz, Siraji, Mukkhi, Fental, Lakkha, Zharna, Poka, Raser, Nan, Strachar, Jacpin, Short Face, Mondian and Helmet. Farmers rear known local breeds and varieties. In Bangladesh some breeds and varieties are Siraji, Loton, Jalali, Giribaz etc. They have not clearly idea about breed and variety of pigeon and prevention of disease. There is a huge demand of squab meat in the market due to its taste. Introduction of costly fancy meat breed, incorporation of more breed and varieties of pigeon, increased farm size and balanced feed for pigeon and squab needed to be ensured for improving cash income and employment generation. For this reason, pigeon farming may be increased in future provided government initiative to train farmers on management and extension of loans.en_US
dc.subjectBreeds and varieties of Pigeonen_US
dc.subjectPigeon farmingen_US

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