A field experiment was done to study the effect of 6-BAP (6-Butyl amino purine), GA3
and Napthaline Acetic Acid (NAA) on morpho-physiological, yield and yield characters
of rice varieties cv. Kalijira differently. The 6-BAP was applied 0, 30, 40, 50 and 60 ppm
for GA3: 0, 30, 40, 50 and 60 ppm and for NAA: 0, 50, 75, 100 and 125 ppm at vegetative
and preflowering stage. Result showed that the morpho-physiological, yield and yield
attributes were significantly different among the hormones studied under the application
of different levels of 6-BAP, GA3 and NAA. Three plant growth regulators (PGRS) (6-
BAP, GA3 and NAA) showed their positive effect on growth and yield of aromatic rice
cv. Kalijira differently. The growth parameters were influence by 6-BAP, GA3 and NAA.
The three PGRS (6-BAP, GA3 and NAA) showed their positive effect on growth and yield
of aromatic rice cv. Kalijira. The growth parameters were influence differently by 6-BAP,
GA3 and NAA. There was no maeked effect on plant height but leaf numbers, leaf length
and leaf blade width were influenced. The highest plant height was 162.3 cm produced by
GA3 while the lowest was 146.3 cm by NAA. The result showed that 40 ppm of 6-BAP
had a significant effect on effective tiller number hill-1. Than 40 ppm GA3 land while 100
ppm of NAA. The similar trend was observed in grain number per panicle and 1000-grain
weight. There was a significant variation among the PGRS and their different levels. The
highest grain yield was obtained by spraying BAP at vegetative and pre-flowering stages
using 40 ppm than those of GA3 and NAA. The grain yield of Kalijira was 2.55 (t ha-1)
for BAP at 40 ppm, while 2.25 (t ha-1) for GA3 at 40 ppm and 2.01 (t ha-1) for NAA at
100 ppm, respectively. Plant growth regulators (6-BAP, GA3 and NAA) enhanced growth
and yield of aromatic rice cv. Kalijira which considered an environment friendly
management practices for rice production.