Two field experiments were conducted at the Agroforestry Farm,
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur
during February 2006 to March 2007 to examine the performance of four
cane species and one eggplant variety (Kajla) under different
multipurpose trees as the middle and the lower storey crops in
multistoried agroforestry system. The treatments were three tree species
viz. Mehogony, Deshi neem and Eucalyptus, which were used as the
upper storey. There was also a control (Open field) treatment. Four cane
species namely Bhudum beth, Udum beth, Jali beth and Golla beth were
used as the middle storey non-woody perennial and eggplant was used as
the lower storey crop. Two separated experiments were conducted for the
study. One experiment was laid out in the single factor Randomized
Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications for eggplant,
another one was two factorial Randomized Complete Block Design
(RCBD) with three replications for cane species. The aim of the
experiments was to study the growth performances and selection of
potential cane species and also to assess the morphological behaviors and
fruit yield of eggplant in the said multistoried agroforestry systems.
Considering cane species, jali beth was the best performer
compared to other cane species. Considering the tree effects, Mehogony
was the best one followed by Deshi neem and significantly the poorest
performance was found in the open field for the growth of cane species.
In case of interaction effects, both the cane species and tree
species, combination of Jali beth and Mehogony was the best performer
compared to other combinations. Growth performances of all cane
species, Jali beth was found to have vigourous growth irrespective of tree
As far as yield (Kg/ha) of eggplant is considered, the Open field
ensured the maximum yield compared to other combinations followed by
Mehogony with Golla beth but the lowest performance was recorded.
from the Eucalyptus with Jail beth combination.