The main purpose of this study was to determine and describe the adoption of
improved practices in litchi cultivation by the growers of Biral upazila under Dinajpur
district. Attempts were also made to describe some of the selected characteristics of
the litchi growers and their relationship with their adoption of improved practices in
litchi cultivation. The problems faced by the growers in the adoption of improved
practices in litchi cultivation have also been identified. Data were collected from a
sample of 102 litchi growers (out of 1000) selected by simple random sampling
procedure from eight villages of three unions under Biral upazila of Dinajpur district.
A pretested and structured interview schedule was used to collect data from the
respondents during 28 March to 2 May 2014. Adoption of improved practices in litchi
cultivation was the dependent variable of this study consist of four dimensions (i.e.,
use of improved varieties, fertilizers, pesticides and intercultural operations). It was
examined with 4-point rating scale. Ten selected characteristics of the litchi growers
constituted the independent variables (i.e., age, educational qualification, family size,
extension contact, cosmopoliteness, farm size, annual income, innovativeness and
marketing orientation). Karl Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r)
was computed to explore the relationship between dependent and independent
variables. The findings revealed that about three-fifths (60.8 percent) of the growers
had medium adoption while 13.7 percent had low adoption and 25.5 percent had high
adoption of improved practices inlitchi cultivation. Correlation analysis indicated that
among the selected characteristics, educational qualification, litchi cultivation
knowledge, extension media contact, cosmopoliteness, farm size, annual income,
innovativeness and marketing orientationhad significant and positive relationship with
their adoption of improved practices in litchi cultivation. While age and family size of
the respondents did not show any significant relationshipwith their adoption of
improved practices in litchi cultivation. The major problems faced by the litchi
growers were ‘non-availability of training on litchi cultivation from DAE or other
organization’, ‘non-availability of credit in time’, ‘lack of proper advice from AEOs
about insect and disease control of litchi’ and‘lack of suggestions from the SAAOs
about the timely application of fertilizersin litchi cultivation’.