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dc.contributor.advisorProf. Dr. A. K. M. Mosharof Hossain
dc.contributor.authorRAY, UZZAL KUMAR
dc.descriptionAll glory to Almighty “God” who bestowed me with Knowledge and. the supreme authority of the universe, who enables the author to make his dream reality, a successful completion of the research work and to prepare this thesis of the degree of Master of Science (M.S.) in Soil Science. At the outset, I express my deepest and cordial sense of respect to my honorable Supervisor, Dr. Mosharraf Hossain, Professor, Department of Soil Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur for his constant and scholastic guidance, valuable suggestions, continuous inspiration and immense help throughout the tenure of this research work and also in preparing the thesis. I extends my sincere appreciation and immense indebtedness to my reverend Co supervisor Md. Mizanur Rahman, Professor, Department of Soil Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, for his keen interest, valuable suggestions, constructive criticisms, good cooperation and encouragement for the improvement of the research and the thesis as well as a whole. The author sincerely expresses her heartfelt sense of gratitude to honorable teacher Dr. Shah Moinur Rahman, Professor, Department of Soil Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, for his kind co-operation, Constant inspiration, constructive suggestions and cordial support during this research work. The author would like to express her deepest sense of respect to all the teachers of the Department of Soil Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur for their cordial multifarious assistance throughout the course of the study The author is also thankful to all staff members of the Department of Soil Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur. The author feels proud to express her sincere precaution and heartiest gratefulness to her best friend Mrinal Ray and Sudan Barma and also other friends for their well wishes and friendly co-operation during the research work. Finally, the author extends her cordial thanks to all of her relatives and well wishers.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe experiment was conducted in Soil Science research field, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, during the period of November 2016 to February 2017 to determine the effect of poultry manure (PM) and magnesium (Mg) on the growth and yield of wheat (BARI Gom-25). The HSTU research field belongs to Old Himalayan Piedmond plain’ (AEZ 1). There were twelve treatments- T1 = PM0Mg0, T2 = PM0Mg10, T3 = PM0Mg15, T4= PM0Mg20, T5 = PM5Mg0, T6 = PM5Mg10, T7 = PM5Mg15, T8 = PM5Mg20, T9 = PM10Mg0, T10 = PM10Mg10, T11 = PM10Mg15, T12 = PM10Mg20. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD), with three replications of each treatment. Besides Mg and PM every plot had received 130 kg N, 80 kg P, 40 kg K, 100 kg S, 5 kg Zinc and 6 kg B ha-1 from urea, TSP, MoP and gypsum, zinc sulphate and boric acid respectively. The results revealed that yield and yield contributing characters were influenced significantly by different levels of Mg and PM. The highest plant height (104.7 cm) was observed in T11 treatment and the lowest (93.00 cm) was found in the control. The maximum number of tillers (6.00) was produced also in the treatment T11 and minimum number (3.00) was found in the control. The number of spikelet spike-1 and 1000 grain weight were not significant. The grain yield was highly dependent on the number of grains spike-1 indicating that the added Mg and PM had a significant influence on grain set which led to higher grain yield. The highest number of grain spike-1 (41.60) was found in the treatment T11. The lowest number of grain (20.20) was observed in the control treatment. Grain yield, straw yield and biological yield of wheat were significantly influenced with the application of Mg along with PM. It was found that the application of 15 kg Mg ha-1 with 10 t PM ha-1 produced the highest grain yield (5.3 t ha-1 ), straw yield(4.7 t ha-1 ) and biological yield (10.0 t ha -1 .). The control treatment produced the lowest grain (2.9 t ha-1 ), straw (2.5 t ha-1 ) and biological (5.4 t ha-1) yield. The findings of the study showed that the performance of the treatment T11 (PM10Mg15) was the best among the other treatments in respects of plant height, tillers hill-1 , spike length, spikelet spike-1 ,number of grain spike-1 , 1000 grain weight, grain yield, straw yield and biological yield of wheat. Therefore, the overall results indicate that the application of 10 t PM ha-1 with 15 kg Mg ha-1 can be more efficient and economic for wheat productionen_US
dc.subjectNutrient status of poultry manureen_US
dc.subjectEffect on nutrient uptakeen_US
dc.subjectEffect of poultry manure on physical properties of soilen_US
dc.subjectEffect of poultry manure on chemical properties of soilen_US
dc.subjectEffect of poultry manure on biological properties of soilen_US
dc.subjectEffect of poultry manure on the growth and yield contributing characteristicsen_US

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