This siudy was done to investigate the Epidemiological, clinicopathoiogical,
microbiological and therapeutical response of bovine cutaneous dermatomycosis or
ringworm in cattle at DVH, Dinajpur from March-2011 to February-2012. A total of 1681
clinical cases in bovine animal were registered among which 21 were encountered as
dermatamycosis. The annual incidences of bovine dermatomycosis were determined
based on different epidemiological factors such as season, sex, age, breed,
managemenial systems. The clinical and pathological features including topographic
positions of the lesions and therapeutic strategies were also recorded. The skins of 3
typically affected with dermatomycosis were collected, preserved, processed, embedded
with paraffin, sectioned and stained with haematoxylin and eosin for the
histopathological study. The annual incidence of dermatomycosis was 1.25% at DVH of
Dinajpur. The highest incidence of dermatomycosis were recorded in summer season
(1.64% j followed by winter (0.88%) and rainy (0.78%) season. The annual incidences of
dermatomycosis were high in female animals (1.35%) than male animals (1.11), in
young (2.55%) animal than the calves (0.62) and adult (0.92), in indigenous breed
(1.29%) than the crossbred animal (0.92) and in rural housed farms (1.32%) than the
intensive farming (0.61%) management. Major lesions were found in head, neck and
pelvis regions. Grossly the disease was characterized as circular lesion of scab and
crust formation, roughened hair coat with pruritus. Histopathologically the diseases were
characterized as hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, epidermal hyperplasia, densely growth
of collayenous tissues with moderate destruction of glandular structures. Identification of
fungi under microscope by direct impression smear from the affected skin lesion and
growth of grey to white colored colony in Sabouraud’s dextrose agar media is main
diagnostic features of dermatomycosis. Griseofulvin with topical application of whietfield
ointment showed good response in the treatment of dermatomycosis in cattle.