The experiment was conducted at the 30 years old litchi orchard of Agroforestry
Research Farm, HSTU, Dinajpur during April to December 2007. The study was to
conducted investigate the performance of turmeric (var.Dimla T-027) under litchi
orchard on the basis of light intensity/ distance from the tree base. The litchi tree
was planted in the field by 10m x 10m distance for plant to plant and line to line
also. In the experiment, there were four treatments, i.e. T; (2.0-3.0 m distance from
tree base and approximately light intensity 20-30%), T, (3.0-4.0 m distance from
tree base and approximately light intensity 40-50%), T; (4.0-5.0 m distance from
tree base and approximately light intensity 80-90%) and T, Open field, and light
intensity 100%). Values of all growth parameters of turmeric were influenced by
different shade levels created due to distance from tree base. The highest plant
height was recorded from T, (156.43cm) followed by T, (142.30cm). On the other
hand the lowest value was recorded in T, (115.20cm). Number of leaf per plant and
number of tiller per plant were highest in T; (8.73and 3.33) followed by T, (7.53
and 2.73). On the other hand the lowest values were found in T; (5.53 and 2.23).
But the value of all yield contributing attributes (number of fingers per plant,
finger fresh weight per plant, finger dry weight per plant, rhizome fresh weight per
plant and rhizome dry weight per plant) were the maximum in T; followed by T,.
Significantly the highest yield (23.59 t/ha) of turmeric was recorded in T; followed
by T, (18.20 t/ha) while significantly the lowest yield was obtained in T, (10.7
t/ha). The study suggested that up to 3.0m distance from tree base could not be
used for turmeric production.