A field experiment was conducted at the Agroforestry Farm, Hajee
Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur during April to
July 2005 to examine the performance of mungbean varieties for improving soil
health as green manuring crop in different agroforestry systems. The treatments of
the experiment were three tree species with the control one viz. open field (T;),
Mango (T2), Ghoraneem (T3), Ipil-ipil (T4) and five varieties of mungbean, viz.V,
(BARI Mug-3), V2 (BARI Mug-4), V3 (BARI Mug-5), V4 (BARI Mug-6), V5
(Local variety). The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block
Design (RCBD) with four replications. The aim of the study was to select the
suitability of the above Mungbean variety for agroforestry system.
Considering varietals performance, BARI Mug-6 showed the best
performance compared to other varieties in respect of biomass contribution except
root weight/plant at 50 DAS. Considering tree effect, the best contribution was
found in T, (open field) and lowest in T; (Ghoraneem) compared to other tree
species in biomass production.
In case of interaction effect BARI Mug-6 was the best performer
(V4T,combination) compared to other combinations in biomass contributing
parameter except root weight/plant in both 50 DAS and 75 DAS.
In term of varietals performance for yield BARI Mug-S was found the best
variety over other varieties. BARI Mug-5 was also found superior than other
varieties in all yields contributing parameter except the number of pod/plant.
In case of tree effect, the highest yield was obtained from T; (open field)
that was followed by Mango. While the lowest performance was recorded under
Considering the interaction effects on yield, BARI Mug-5 in open field
(V3T; combination) ensures the best performance in respect of other combinations
followed by V3T, combination (BARI Mug-5 under mango).The result clearly
revealed that the production of mungbean under the agroforestry species ranked as
mango>ipil-ipil>ghoraneem and the best variety BARI Mug-S for yield while
BARI Mug-6 for biomass.