A study was carried out on dermatopathological and therapeutic approaches of
stephanofilariasis (humpsore) in cattle from March to December,2011 at Birgonj upozila
of Dinajpur district.A total 1427 cattle were selected under farm and rural condition.
Among them,381 cattle were affected with humpsore by using close visual
inspection,palpation of skin surface and other clinicopathological techniques. The clinical
and pathological features including topographic positions of the lesions as well as
complications were recorded. The skins of 3 typically affected with stephanofilariasis
were collected, preserved, processed, embedded with paraffin, sectioned and stained with
haematoxylin and eosin for the histopathological study. The highest prevalence rates were
recorded in dairy farm (31.63%), 10-15 age groups (83.00%) and male (31.57%). Crusts
including the worm, were examined in the parasitology laboratory of HSTU for the identification of Stephanofilaria spp. Common predisposing factors were frequent rubbing by
rope and metallic chain used for restraint, yoke used in draft animals, fences, barbed wire,
manger protector and continuous ocular discharge. The more usual sites were the neck,
withers / hump and ear. With an increase in the number of sites affected there was
decrease in the number of animals. The most common clinical signs were the intense
pruritis, ulcerated and non-ulcerated lesions with heavy accommulation of firm crusts.
Histopathological changes were hyperkeratosis, presence of cross and longitudinal section
of parasites. Sml. of Ivermectin solution was injected under the lesion at different places
of the sore. Three doses were repeated at weekly intervals in 20 cattle. An ointment
containing Zinc oxide 45 gm. Potassium iodide 2 gm, Methylene blue | gm and Vaseline
to make 100gm was applied simultaneously once on alternate day until complete cure of
the lesions. The results indicate that humpsore is an important disease of cattle in the
study area.