The experiment was concerned with developing of home-grown Lychee based
different products, like squash and jelly to assess its prospect in respect to its
marketability and food value. This thesis work was conducted in the
laboratory of the Department of Food Engineering & Technology and
Department of Food Processing & Preservation, Hajee Mohammad Danesh
Science & Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur. The fruits were
collected from the local market and the pulp was extracted. Then the pulp was
analyzed for proximate composition. The proximate analysis of lychee pulp
showed 78.2% moisture, 17-18% TSS, 6.68% reducing sugar, 6.89% nonreducing sugar, 13.75% total sugar, 0.69% ash, 4.92 p", 0.327% acidity and
1.2 mg/100gm vitamin C. Total two types of products each with three (3)
different formulations were prepared and packed in appropriate containers for
storage studies. Products were stored at room temperatures (28°C) and
changes during storage were observed at an interval of 30 days for a period of
6 months. A testing panel consisting 10 panelists studied the acceptability of
the samples. The consumer’s preferences were measured by statistical
analysis of the scores obtained from the response of the panel. Among the
samples the following sample of squash, jelly was awarded the highest scores
by the panelists; S-2 (Squash: TSS 40%, Juice 25%, Acidity 1.25%, KMS 250
mg/kg),E-2 (Jelly: TSS 67%, Pectin 1.0%, pH 3.2)respectively.