The study was designed to investigate the pathological conditions of bovine
tuberculosis (BTB) emphasized on tuberculin hypersensitivity test in HSTU
campus, Dinajpur and it’s surrounding regions during March —December, 2011. A
total of 150 cattle (over the age of 6 months) were selected for tuberculin test by
mammalian PPD (purified protein derivative) at caudal fold area in intradermal route
regardless of sex and breed. In the present study, 5 (3.33%) out of 150 cattle showed
tuberculin positive reaction (distinct and visible swelling) and 6 (4.00%) cattle showed
doubtful reaction (indistinct and invisible swelling). Hematological examination showed
an increase in TLC; decrease in TEC, Hb, and PCV% in tuberculin positive animals
compared to negative ones and an increase in Globulin content, decrease in total serum
protein and albumin in tuberculin positive animals in case of biochemical examination but
was statistically insignificant. Grossly congested, consolidated localized nodular type
lesions found in the lungs and small nodule found also in liver and histopathologically
granulomatous nodular lesions with purple coloured necrotic mass surrounded by various
reactive cells and fibrous connective tissues were found in lungs pursued by necropsy of
selected tuberculin positive animal. But acid fast bacilli were not found in aspirate smears
of lungs and spleen by classic Ziehl—Neelsen staining. The study dictates a positive
correlation among the tuberculin hypersensitivity test, gross and histopathological study of
visceral organs, hematological and biochemical examinations.