Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is one of the most economically important zoonotic
diseases and tuberculin test has been widely used to detect its prevalence
worldwide. This study was designed to investigate the pathological condition of
bovine tuberculosis (BTB) using caudal fold tuberculin test in different dairy
farms and free ranging cattle in Rangpur district during january - December.
2012. A total of 240 cattle (over the age of 6 months) were selected to have
tuberculin test by bovine PPD (purified protein derivative) at caudal fold area in
intradermal route regardless of age and sex. In the present study, 9 (3.75%) out of
240 cattle showed tuberculin positive reaction ( distinct and visible swelling) and
7( 2.92 %) cattle showed suspicious reaction (indistinct and invisible swelling).
Out of 98 male cattle 3 (3.06%) and out of 142 female cattle 6 (4.22%) showed
tuberculin positive reaction. The percentage of female cattle reactors were
somewhat higher than the percentage of male cattle in CFT test and younger
animals (7months- 3 years) were found more susceptible to tuberculosis than
older animals. Grossly congested and consolidated lungs containing fairly
distinctly demarcated caseous yellowish nodules throughout both parts of the
lungs and divided macroscopically into haemorrhagic, fibrotic lesion and
localized type. The spleen was enlarged but grossly nodular lesions were not
seen. Histopathologically granulomatous nodular lesions with caseous necrotic
mass surrounded by various reactive cells and fibrous connective tissues were
found in lungs pursued by necropsy of selected tuberculin positive animal. The
study dictates a positive correlation among the caudal fold tuberculin test, gross
and histopathological study of the visceral organs.