In Bangladesh, barley is cultivated mostly on marginal land with low input supply. There is
a scope to improve the yield of barley providing better agronomic practices. The study was
conducted in Crop Botany Research Field and Laboratory, Hajee Mohammad Danesh
Science and Technology University during the period of November. 2005 to March. 2006.
Dinajpur to investigate the growth and vield of barley in relation to sowing date and
irrigation frequency. Four sowing dates (viz. November 1, 15, 30 and December 15) and
four levels of irrigations (viz. no irrigation. one, two and three irrigations at different days
after sowing) were included as experimental treatments. The experiment was laid out in a
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. From the study it
was observed to attain most of phenological stages of barley required maximum days on
November 1 sowing. The duration of seedling emergence and crown root initiation
required the lowest days while tillering. booting. heading and maturity required the highest
days on November | sowing crops. Present study also revealed that differences in sowing
time significantly influenced TDM. LAI. LAD. CGR. RGR. NAR. and GGR. Irrigation
frequency also influenced the above growth parameters significantly. The results also
reveled that early November sowing with three irrigations gave the highest values of all the
growth parameters. Relative leaf water content (RLWC) and chlorophyll content was
significantly influenced due to variation in sowing time. Plant sowing in November | gave
the highest values of RLWC and chlorophyll content. Irrigation frequency also
significantly influenced the RLWC and chlorophyll content. Reverse with RLWC and
chlorophyll content. proline accumulation was increased with decreasing levels of
irrigation. Crops growing in delay sowing accumulated higher proline than early sowing.
Significantly higher plant height. fertile tiller. spike length. fertile spikelets. 1000-grain
weight. yield (2.89 t/ha) and HI was found in the plants sown in November | and the
lowest vield (2.33 t/ha) was obtained in the crop sown in December 15 while infertile tillers
and infertile spikelets showed a reverse result with delay in sowing time. The irrigation
levels also significantly influenced vield and yield attributes. The highest vield (3.31 t/ha)
was obtain from the plant growing with three irrigations while the lowest vield (1.85 t/ha)
was found from no irrigation. The interaction between sowing date and irrigation frequency
showed a significant variation among the growth. yield and yield attributes of barley. It is
indicated that November | sowing with three irrigations showed the best performance in
respect of growth, yield attributes and yield of barley.