Internship Report On Loan Disbursement system of Prime Bank Limited : A study on Dinajpur Branch
Now a days the banking technology has change so fast. As a commercial bank Prime Bank
limited represent the new dimension introducing RSys (Retail Credit Processing System),EDoc (Electronic Documentation), ALTITUDE, Online Cash Management System (For
Corporate customer) & BATCH (Bangladesh Automated clearing House) for the fastest
service & support to the customer. In this respect, Prime Bank Limited has change their loan
processing & disbursement system. Each & every information of the customer input in the
system of loan approval note by the branch & SME centre, this system is ONLINE. However,
after sanction of loan the document have attached in E-Doc by scanning from branch. After
completion documentation & satisfaction of E-Doc manager of Head office they have input
the limit & disburse the facility favoring customer of branch.