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dc.contributor.advisorMd. Jamal Uddin
dc.contributor.authorJahan, Taskina
dc.descriptionInternship Report On Customer satisfaction towards online banking (A study on Dinajpur city). PREPARED BY: Taskina Jahan Student ID. E-140503033 M.B.A (Evening), 3rd Batch Department of Marketing HSTU, Dinajpur MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) (This internship report has been prepared for submission into the Department of Marketing, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur, as a partial requirement for fulfillment of MBA Degree in Marketing).en_US
dc.description.abstractNow a day’s technological advancement makes our life easier. As a part of this advancement banking sector facilities their client involvement by offering most convenient services through ecectronic means. To complete globally banks offer on line banking facilities. Customers are now able to transact different types of banking activities via online. People are now busy enough and consciousness among people has increased than never before. So they expect high quality services with short period of time. Although technological convergent takes place and traditional banking system becomes online. But not all the customers use online banking in Bangladesh. Some banks offer only limited services and confined themselves with SMS and ATM booth. In the research paper I will try to represent the present senario of online banking in Bangladesh and customers satisfaction towards these services. The main objective of the study is to measure the satisfaction level of customer towards online banking in Banhladesh and to know the factors influences to the satisfaction of custoner on online banking and to find out the major problems in online banking. With this motto the research has been conducted which was both qualitative and quantitative in nature. Population of the study were the user of Online Banking in dinajpur City, customer from DBBL and BRAC Bank in Dinajpur city were purposively selected. So customers (DBBL-33 and BRAC-17) were selected for this study using convenience sampling method. The respondents were randomly selected to complete the questionnaire at the time of their visit in the study area. Finally I have made some recommendations on the basis of my field work. Banks should extend their on- line banking facilities by offering all sorts of banking services via electronic means. They should introduce new facilities for their client properly. Banks should concentrate on removing technological problems which creates negative impact in customers mind. So the study on “ Customer satisfaction towards Online Banking services: A case Study On Dinajpur city” is therefore very significant for the survival of the organization.en_US
dc.subjectCustomer satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectonline bankingen_US
dc.titleCustomer satisfaction towards online banking (A study on Dinajpur city)en_US

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