AN INTERNSHIP REPORT ON Application, Prospects and Problems of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh.
Mobile banking application offers a wide range of banking and information services
to take care on banking system. The tremendous advances and the aggressive
infusion of information technology had brought in a paradigm shift in banking
operations. With the rapid proliferation of Interned Technology banking sector now
takes a different approaches often termed as mobile banking. The adoption of
electronics banking becomes a necessity for the banking which wishes to maintain its
share of market and retain it customers. In one hand, it offers case of operation for
both customers and consumers. On the other hand, It overcomes the geographical
bars between the countries. But such improved services have come at the cost of
rigorous adaptation of business rules and policies as well as to cope with the new
technology. This paper reveals the current situation of mobile banking in Bangladesh
and problem and prospect on mobile banking activities. The new challenges of
mobile banking are to develop and apply policy from the perspectives of society,
banks, and regulatory authorities as like as government are addressed in the study.