INTERSHIP REPORT ON Role of JSKS into the Economy of Bangladesh.
This paper explores the role of JSKS (Jhanjira Samaj Kallyan Sangstha) into the economic
development of Bangladesh and how it is performing.. But it is very difficult to identify it in this
short dimension. Bangladesh is beset with multifold problems due to poverty. It was found with
supportive references that how the organization is playing a positive and essential role for the
betterment of the poor and the needy. The mission and activities of JSKS revealed the fact that it
is omnipresent with their multifaceted and multidimensional projects and programs aimed at
providing quality education, livelihood, food security, DRM, Climate Change, Human rights,
Good governance, Water & sanitation, Micro-credit provision, Child rights, health-hygiene &
nutrition, and empowerment of women and sustainable development etc. NGOs have organized
the rural & urban poor and taught them the benefits of forming groups/cooperatives, supplied
them with inexpensive agricultural technology, awareness, economic support, leadership
development, social forestation through usage of local resource etc. all of which helps in
economic development and poverty eradication. Hence NGOs in Bangladesh can continue
playing the role of catalyst in the attainment of sustainable economic growth and development
provided, an endurable, warm and dependable relationship is there between the Government and
NGOs where both are working for the benefit of the people. Albeit the Government and Non –
Government Organizations are playing important role for effective change in the socio-economic
development of the country. Accordingly, I collected some primary data and found some
problems in this field, which is shortly depicted in this paper. Finally, I have given some
recommendations, which will be helpful with a view to reducing discrimination, injustice, food
insecurity as well as poverty from our society. Hence theoretical background of JSKS, a detail
understanding of the term, economic status and rural poverty scenario of Bangladesh was