The present study determined nutritional composition and investigated the effect and
economic value of hydroponic wheat sprouted fodder (HWSF) replaced by commercial
concentrate feed (CCF) on growth performance of turkey. The study was conducted at
the Advance Animal Research Farm of the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science,
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur,
Bangladesh. A total of seventy-five poults (8-weeks old) having uniform body weight
(1297.88g/poults)were selected and randomly assigned into five dietary treatment groups
(T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5), each group consisting of 3 replications having 15 birds in each. T1
considered as the control group and fed only CCF, whereT2, T3, T4, and T5groups fed 95,
90, 85 and 80% CCF along with 5, 10, 15 and 20% hydroponic wheat sprouted fodder,
respectively. The percentage of dry matter (DM), ash, organic matter (OM), crude protein
(CP), crude fibre (CF), ether extract (EE) and nitrogen free extract (NFE) on dry matter basis
contents of hydroponic wheat, maize and sesbania sprouted fodder were 8.64, 14.79, 9.46,
4.09, 2.50, 3.41, 95.91, 97.5, 96.6, 18.10, 10.92, 37.26, 3.40, 5.30, 7.21, 3.29, 2.94,
3.71, 71.12, 78.34 and 48.41%, respectively. The amount of DM was significantly higher
(P<0.01) in hydroponic maize sprouted fodder than hydroponic wheat and sesbania
sprouted fodder and the amount of CP was significantly higher (P<0.01) in hydroponic
sesbania sprouted fodder than hydroponic wheat and maize sprouted fodder. However,
NFE was significantly differed (P<0.05) among the hydroponic wheat, maize and
sesbania sprouted fodder. But the amount of Ash, OM, CF and EE were not significantly
differed among the hydroponic wheat, maize and sesbania sprouted fodder. Total DM
intake was almost similar among the groups of turkey T1 (74.44 g/d), T2 (76.94 g/d), T3
(79.35 g/d), T4 (79.18 g/d) and T5 (81.53 g/d).Live weight of turkey among the dietary
treatment groups T1 (2074.86 g), T2 (2130.4 g), T3 (2125.75 g) and T4 (2085.53 g) were
increased except T5 (1959.4 g) groups. The live weight gain was almost similar in the
turkey of T2 (29.55 g/d), T3 (29.26 g/d), T4 (28.44 g/d) and T1 (27.69 g/d) groups except
T5 (23.85 g/d) group. The feed efficiency of dietary treatment groups T1, T2, T3, T4 and
T5 were 2.68, 2.60, 2.70, 2.78 and 3.42, respectively. The best performance regarding
feed efficiency was observed in T2 (2.60) group compared to other groups. On the other
hand, cost benefit analysis showed higher benefit in T2, T3 and T4 than in T1 and T5 group.
Therefore, the overall results revealed that dietary supplementation of HWSF up to15%
may improve live weight, feed efficiency of turkey as well as reduce total feed cost.
ey words: Turkey, hydroponic wheat sprouted fodder, growth performance