The present research work was carried out for the detection of aflatoxin producing
fungus from maize samples during the period from July 2018 to July 2019. A total 110
maize samples were collected from 5 different local areas of Dinajpur district. In this
study aflatoxin producing fungi was detected by simple traditional identification using
macro and micro morphological feature and aflatoxin was detected by using Agra strip
total aflatoxin test (20 ppb cutoff). Aspergillus spp. was found on 28 out of 50 samples
with 56% and 14 out of 60 samples with 23.23% prevalence on basis of area and storing
time respectively while aflatoxin producing fungus as well as aflatoxin found on 14 out
of 50 samples with 28% and 6 out of 60 samples with 10% prevalence based on area and
storing time respectively. In this study; out of 110 maize samples, Aspergillus spp was
found on 42 maize samples with 38.18% prevalence. But Aflatoxin producing fungus
was found on 20 samples with 18.18% prevalence. Their early detection can help to take
preventive measures to combat economic and health losses. The present study revealed
that area had no significant effect (p> 0.05) on the prevalence of Aspergillus spp. and
aflatoxin producing fungus as well as aflatoxin in maize sample while prevalence of
Aspergillus spp. and aflatoxin producing fungus as well as aflatoxin in stored maize was
significantly (p<0.01) varies highest to lowest according to storing time that means the
more storing time, the more aflatoxin producing fungus and the more aflatoxin produce.
In this study, aflatoxin level was detected by Agra Strip total Aflatoxin test (20 ppb
cutoff). In this study, out of 110 samples 20 aflatoxin producing fungus as well as
aflatoxin was found whose toxin level (>20 ppb) resulting earlier detections can be made
by simple traditional identifications using macro and micro morphological fungal
features rather than adopting the time and cost consuming molecular identification