The present study was conducted at Sadar Upazila District Veterinary Hospital Dinajpur
for diagnosis of different diseases. A total of 650 pigeons were diagnosed based on
clinical signs, post-mortem findings and laboratory test. The result showed that the
highest prevalence of pigeon diseases were by parasitic diseases (31.54%) followed viral
diseases (27.08%), bacterial diseases (24.31%), and Mycoplasma diseases (8.77%) while
the lowest was observed fungal diseases (3.23%). According to the season, there was
significant variation of pigeon diseases. In summer season the highest prevalence of
pigeon disease (39.81%) was observed from parasitic disease while the lowest (2.19%)
was found in fungal diseases. In rainy season the highest prevalence of pigeon disease
(32.35%) was observed in bacterial diseases followed by viral diseases (29.90%). In
winter season, the highest prevalence of pigeon diseases (30.71%) was observed in viral
diseases followed by parasitic diseases (26.77%) while the lowest (3.94%) was detected
in fungal disease. Based on the age, there was insignificant variation of pigeon diseases
In Adult pigeon the highest prevalence of pigeon disease (30.49%) was observed from
Parasitic Infection followed by Newcastle disease (14.43%) and pigeon pox (13.77%).
While the lowest prevalence of adult pigeon disease was observed asperigellosis (2.95%)
additionally in young pigeon the highest prevalence of pigeon disease (32.46%) was
observed from Parasitic Infection followed by salmonellosis (20.29%) and Pigeon Pox
(15.94%) while the lowest prevalence of young pigeon disease was observed
asperigelosis (3.48%) and nutritional deficiency (3.77%) followed by mycoplasmosis
(6.67%) and colibacillosis (7.25%). In this study postmortem examination was done for
10 suspected clinical cases of pigeon disease, in Table 4. Shows some postmortem
changes. Parasite load in lumen of intestine White Necrotic Foci of liver, Enlarged of
kidney, Congestive of lung Tentative diagnosis Parasitism with secondary infection,
Nodulation of intestine, Whitish nodules of lung, Tentatively diagnosis was
Aspergillosis, Exudates with haemorrhage of intestine, Congestion of liver, Pneumonic
of lung, Catarrhal exudate of Trachea, Tentatively diagnosis was Newcastle disease, Pin
point haemorrhage of intestine, White necrotic foci, of liver Swollen of kidney,
Congested of lung Tentatively diagnosis was Coccidiosis Tapeworm intestine. Exudate
with haemorrhage of intestine, exudative of lung, exudate of Trachea Tentatively
diagnosis was mycoplasma-collibacillosis complex (MCcomplex) Chalky materials of
liver, Chalky materials of kidney, Chalky materials in air sacs of lung Tentatively
diagnosis was Visceral gout.